披头士乐队最后一曲 《Now And Then》将于11月2日全球发行


伦敦 - 2023年10月26日 – 无论是成团期间还是单飞发展,披头士乐队(The Beatles)永远都能带来意料之外的惊喜。2023年将见证乐队漫长而精彩的音乐生涯里最受期待的一支作品发行——《Now And Then》,披头士乐队的最后一首歌曲,由约翰·列侬(John Lennon)创作并演唱,保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)、乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)和林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)一起参与创作,时隔四十多年,最终由保罗和林戈完成。

全新单曲《Now And Then》将于11月2日全球同步释出,由Apple Corps Ltd./Capitol/Ume发行。 这张双A面单曲将把披头士乐队的最后一首歌与第一首歌——1962年在英国推出的首支单曲《Love Me Do》配对,与《Now And Then》达成完美呼应。 两首作品都将以立体声和杜比全景声混音技术呈现,由著名艺术家Ed Ruscha创作全新封面。《Now And Then》的全新MV也将于11月3日发布。
由奥利弗·穆雷(Oliver Murray)编剧并执导的12分钟纪录片《Now And Then – 披头士乐队的最后一首歌》将于11月1日首播。这部感人至深的短片将在披头士乐队的YouTube频道以线上首映的形式呈现,讲述披头士最后一首歌背后的故事,包含了保罗、林戈、乔治、西恩·列侬(Sean Ono Lennon)和彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)的独家镜头和评论。

11月10日,由Apple Corps Ltd./Capitol/UMe发行的披头士乐队《1962-1966》(“红色专辑”)和《1967-1970》(“蓝色专辑”)2023版也将与乐迷见面。自50年前首次发行以来,这些精选专辑不断带领一代又一代的年轻人进入披头士的音乐世界。如今,这两个合辑的曲目列表也将进一步扩展,所有歌曲都采用立体声和杜比全景声格式进行混音。全新的4张CD和 6张LP黑胶唱片合集将“红专辑”和“蓝专辑”组合为套装。英国单曲版本的《Love Me Do》如今成为《1962-1966》(2023版)的开场曲,而《Now And Then》则出现在《1967-1970》(2023版)中,成为穿越时间、涵盖披头士完整音乐履历的重磅合辑。
《Now And Then》的创作故事始于70年代末,当时列侬在纽约的达科塔大厦家中录制了一段带有人声和钢琴演奏的歌曲小样。1994年,小野洋子将这首录音交给了保罗,乔治,和林戈,还附上了列侬为《Free As A Bird》和《Real Love》录制的歌曲小样版本。此后,《Free As A Bird》和《Real Love》两首歌都被完成并录制成为披头士乐队的新歌,并分别于1995年和1996年作为“披头士选集(The Beatles Anthology)”项目单曲发布。在此期间,保罗, 乔治与林戈还与制作人Jeff Lynne一起录制了《Now And Then》的全新音轨,并制作了一个初步的混音版。然而,由于技术原因,列侬的人声与钢琴音轨无法被分离出一个清晰的音轨,尽管乐队成员们希望这首歌曲可以重见天日,《Now And Then》的歌曲制作却不得不陷于停滞。
时间来到2021年,彼得-杰克逊执导的《The Beatles: Get Back》纪录片的发布令观众大为惊喜,并以电影和音频修复技术而获奖。彼得-杰克逊团队利用WingNut Films的MAL音频技术对电影的单声道原声带进行了解混,成功地分离了乐器演奏和人声,以及乐队成员对话中的人声。这一成就为2022年披头士专辑《Revolver》的全新混音铺平了道路,该混音版本的直接来源为四轨母带。这也引出了另一个问题:技术还能为《Now And Then》的歌曲小样版本进行哪些处理呢?彼得-杰克逊和他的音效团队,在Emile de la Rey的带领下,应用了相同的技术来处理列侬原始原始的家中录音,成功分离了人声和钢琴演奏声,保存了原始人声的清晰度和完整性。
2022年,保罗和林戈开始进一步完成《Now And Then》这首歌曲。除了列侬的人声,如今我们将听到的《Now And Then》还包括了1995年由乔治录制的电吉他和不插电吉他演奏,林戈全新融入的鼓击,以及保罗的贝斯、吉他和钢琴演奏,与列侬的原始演奏完美相融。保罗还添加了一段受乔治启发的滑奏吉他独奏,并与林戈一起贡献了和声。
在洛杉矶,保罗在Capitol录音棚担任这首歌的监制,创造了一种怀旧感的、典型披头士风格的弦乐编排,由吉尔斯·马丁(Giles Martin)、保罗和本·福斯特(Ben Foster)共同编曲。保罗和吉尔斯还增加了一个微妙的细节:将歌曲《Here, There And Everywhere》、《Eleanor Rigby》和《Because》原录音版本中的和声穿插到新歌中,运用了在制作“LOVE演唱会”和专辑时的完善技术。最终完成的版本由保罗和吉尔斯制作,由斯派克·斯坦特(Spike Stent)混音。
乔治-哈里森的遗孀奥莉维亚-哈里森回忆道:“1995年,连续几天在工作室制作这首歌之后,乔治感到这首歌的小样问题在技术上难以克服,得出结论认为无法将这首歌完成到足够高的水准。如果乔治今天还在,我们的儿子Dhani和我都知道,他一定会毫无保留地加入保罗和林戈,共同完成《Now And Then》的录制。”
自从保罗在今年6月媒体采访中首次透露了“一首新的披头士歌曲”以来,人们对《Now And Then》的兴奋和期待不断升级。终于,在11月2日,《Now And Then》将以一直以来它应被听到的方式与全世界的听众分享。
披头士录制音乐生涯的收尾工程将迎来两张一直被视为是他们音乐作品权威介绍的合辑新版本。自从1973年首次发行以来,《1962-1966》(“红色专辑”)和《1967-1970》(“蓝色专辑”)合辑已经引领了来自世界各地各个年龄段的无数听众成为了披头士的终身粉丝。这两张合辑收录的曲目在全新的2023年版(将于11月10日发行)中进行了扩展,一共包含75首,涵盖了披头士乐队的整个录制作品生涯,从他们的第一支单曲《Love Me Do》到最后的《Now And Then》。这两张合辑新增的21首曲目(其中“红色专辑”新增了12首,而“蓝色专辑”新增了9首)最大程度上展示了披头士乐队不容错过的金曲。
近年来,《1967-1970》和《1962-1966》专辑中的一些曲目已经通过新的立体声和杜比全景声混音技术改进,用于披头士专辑特别版发布,包括《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》(2017)、《The Beatles (White Album)》(2018)、《Abbey Road》(2019)、《Let It Be》(2021)和《Revolver》(2022),以及《The Beatles 1》(2015)的新立体声混音。此外所有曲目都由吉尔斯-马丁和山姆-欧凯(Sam Okell)在Abbey Road Studios做了全新的立体声和杜比全景声混音,借助WingNut Films的音频解混技术。两张合辑还包含了由记者、作家John Harris撰写的全新文案。

《Now And Then》

Produced by Paul McCartney, Giles Martin
Additional Production: Jeff Lynne
Vocals: John Lennon, Paul McCartney
Backing Vocals: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr
Guitars: George Harrison
Guitars, Bass, Piano, Electric Harpsichord, Shaker: Paul McCartney
Drums, Tambourine, Shaker: Ringo Starr
Additional Credits:
String Arrangement: Paul McCartney, Giles Martin, Ben Foster
Mixed by Spike Stent
Engineered by Geoff Emerick, Steve Orchard, Greg McAllister, Jon Jacobs, Steve Genewick, Bruce Sugar, Keith Smith
Source Separation / MAL Courtesy of WingNut Films Productions Ltd.
Head of Machine Learning: Emile de la Rey
Project Management: Adam Sharp
Recorded at Recorded at Hog Hill Studio, Capitol Studios and Roccabella West
Mastered by Miles Showell
Project Producers: Jonathan Clyde and Guy Hayden
Executive Producer: Jeff Jones
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(double A-side single)
1962-1966 (2023 Edition)
(2CD: stereo / Digital + Streaming: stereo & Dolby Atmos)
* = newly added track
1: Love Me Do (2023 Mix)
2: Please Please Me (2023 Mix)
3: I Saw Her Standing There (2023 Mix) *
4: Twist And Shout (2023 Mix) *
5: From Me To You (2023 Mix)
6: She Loves You (2023 Mix)
7: I Want To Hold Your Hand (2023 Mix)
8: This Boy (2023 Mix) *
9: All My Loving (2023 Mix)
10: Roll Over Beethoven (2023 Mix) *
11: You Really Got A Hold On Me (2023 Mix) *
12: Can’t Buy Me Love (2023 Mix)
13: You Can’t Do That (2023 Mix) *
14: A Hard Day’s Night (2023 Mix)
15: And I Love Her (2023 Mix)
16: Eight Days A Week (2023 Mix)
17: I Feel Fine (2023 Mix)
18: Ticket To Ride (2023 Mix)
19: Yesterday (2023 Mix)
1: Help! (2023 Mix)
2: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (2023 Mix)
3: We Can Work It Out (2023 Mix)
4: Day Tripper (2023 Mix)
5: Drive My Car (2023 Mix)
6 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (2023 Mix)
7: Nowhere Man (2023 Mix)
8: Michelle (2023 Mix)
9: In My Life (2023 Mix)
10: If I Needed Someone (2023 Mix) *
11: Girl (2023 Mix)
12: Paperback Writer (2022 Mix)
13: Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix)
14: Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix)
15: Taxman (2022 Mix) *
16: Got To Get You Into My Life (2022 Mix) *
17: I’m Only Sleeping (2022 Mix) *
18: Here, There And Everywhere (2022 Mix) *
19: Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix) *
1967-1970 (2023 Edition)
(2CD: stereo / Digital + Streaming: stereo & Dolby Atmos)
* = newly added track
1: Strawberry Fields Forever (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
2: Penny Lane (2017 Mix)
3: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (2017 Mix)
4: With A Little Help From My Friends (2017 Mix)
5: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (2017 Mix)
6: Within You Without You (2017 Mix) *
7: A Day In The Life (2017 Mix)
8: All You Need Is Love (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
9: I Am The Walrus (2023 Mix)
10: Hello, Goodbye (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
11: The Fool On The Hill (2023 Mix)
12: Magical Mystery Tour (2023 Mix)
13: Lady Madonna (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
14: Hey Jude (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
15: Revolution (2023 Mix)
1: Back In The U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix)
2: Dear Prudence (2018 Mix) *
3: While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2018 Mix)
4: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix)
5: Glass Onion (2018 Mix) *
6: Blackbird (2018 Mix) *
7: Hey Bulldog (2023 Mix) *
8: Get Back (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
9: Don’t Let Me Down (2021 Mix)
10: The Ballad Of John And Yoko (2015 Stereo Mix / 2023 Dolby Atmos Mix)
11: Old Brown Shoe (2023 Mix)
12: Here Comes The Sun (2019 Mix)
13: Come Together (2019 Mix)
14: Something (2019 Mix)
15: Octopus’s Garden (2019 Mix)
16: Oh! Darling (2019 Mix) *
17: I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (2019 Mix) *
18: Let It Be (2021 Mix)
19: Across The Universe (2021 Mix)
20: I Me Mine (2021 Mix) *
21: The Long And Winding Road (2021 Mix)
22: Now And Then *
1962-1966 & 1967-1970 (2023 Editions) 4CD SLIPCASED SET
(‘Red’: CDs 1 & 2 / ‘Blue’: CDs 3 & 4)
(stereo / all 75 tracks as listed above)
1962-1966 + 1967-1970 (2023 EDITIONS) 6LP VINYL SLIPCASED SET
(1962-1966: LPs 1-3 / 1967-1970: LPs 4-6)
(stereo / 1962-1966 3LP Vinyl & 1967-1970 3LP Vinyl = same track sequencing for each as listed below)
LP1 (‘Red’)
Side A:
1: Love Me Do (2023 Mix)
2: Please Please Me (2023 Mix)
3: From Me To You (2023 Mix)
4: She Loves You (2023 Mix)
5: I Want To Hold Your Hand (2023 Mix)
6: All My Loving (2023 Mix)
7: Can’t Buy Me Love (2023 Mix)
Side B:
1: A Hard Day’s Night (2023 Mix)
2: And I Love Her (2023 Mix)
3: Eight Days A Week (2023 Mix)
4: I Feel Fine (2023 Mix)
5: Ticket To Ride (2023 Mix)
6: Yesterday (2023 Mix)
LP2 (‘Red’)
Side A:
1: Help! (2023 Mix)
2: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (2023 Mix)
3: We Can Work It Out (2023 Mix)
4: Day Tripper (2023 Mix)
5: Drive My Car (2023 Mix)
6: Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (2023 Mix)
Side B:
1: Nowhere Man (2023 Mix)
2: Michelle (2023 Mix)
3: In My Life (2023 Mix)
4: Girl (2023 Mix)
5: Paperback Writer (2022 Mix)
6: Eleanor Rigby (2022 Mix)
7: Yellow Submarine (2022 Mix)
LP3 (Bonus ‘Red’ LP)
Side A:
1: I Saw Her Standing There (2023 Mix)
2: Twist And Shout (2023 Mix)
3: This Boy (2023 Mix)
4: Roll Over Beethoven (2023 Mix)
5: You Really Got A Hold On Me (2023 Mix)
6: You Can’t Do That (2023 Mix)
Side B:
1: If I Needed Someone (2023 Mix)
2: Got To Get You Into My Life (2022 Mix)
3: I’m Only Sleeping (2022 Mix)
4: Taxman (2022 Mix)
5: Here, There And Everywhere (2022 Mix)
6: Tomorrow Never Knows (2022 Mix)
LP4 (‘Blue’)
Side A:
1: Strawberry Fields Forever (2015 mix)
2: Penny Lane (2017 mix)
3: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (2017 Mix)
4: With A Little Help From My Friends (2017 Mix)
5: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (2017 Mix)
6: A Day In The Life (2017 Mix)
7: All You Need Is Love (2015 Mix)
Side B:
1: I Am The Walrus (2023 Mix)
2: Hello, Goodbye (2015 Mix)
3: The Fool On The Hill (2023 Mix)
4: Magical Mystery Tour (2023 Mix)
5: Lady Madonna (2015 Mix)
6: Hey Jude (2015 Mix)
7: Revolution (2023 Mix)
LP5 (‘Blue’)
Side A:
1: Back In The U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix)
2: While My Guitar Gently Weeps (2018 Mix)
3: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (2018 Mix)
4: Get Back (2015 Mix)
5: Don’t Let Me Down (2021 Mix)
6: The Ballad Of John And Yoko (2015 Mix)
7: Old Brown Shoe (2023 Mix)
Side B:
1: Here Comes The Sun (2019 Mix)
2: Come Together (2019 Mix)
3: Something (2019 Mix)
4: Octopus’s Garden (2019 Mix)
5: Let It Be (2021 Mix)
6: Across The Universe (2021 Mix)
7: The Long And Winding Road (2021 Mix)
LP6 (Bonus ‘Blue’ LP)
Side A:
1: Now And Then
2: Blackbird (2018 Mix)
3: Dear Prudence (2018 Mix)
4: Glass Onion (2018 Mix)
5: Within You Without You (2017 Mix)
Side B:
1: Hey Bulldog (2023 Mix)
2: Oh! Darling (2019 Mix)
3: I Me Mine (2021 Mix)
4: I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (2019 Mix)
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